- Adult Education
- Analytical Chemistry/Instrumentation
- Anthropology
- Architecture
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biophysics
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Buddhist Studies
- Business Economics
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Commerce
- Comparative Study of Religions
- Computer Science
- Criminology
- Earth Sciences
- Economics
- Education
- Electronic Science
- English
- Environmental Sciences
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Technology
- Forensic Science
- Geography
- Geology
- Hindi
- Home Science
- Hotel & Tourism Management
- Human Resource Management
- Human Rights and Duties
- Indian Culture
- Information Technology
- Japanese
- Jyotish- ganit
- Law
- Library and Information Science
- Linguistics
- M Plannning
- Management
- Material Science
- Mathematics
- Media and communication studies
- Performing Arts(Dance/Drama/Theatre)
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Philosophy
- Physical Education, Sports and Health Education
- Physics
- Political Science
- Population Studies
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Risk / Disaster Management
- Russian Studies
- Sanskrit (Acharya in Vyakrana)
- Sanskrit (M.A)
- Social Medicine and Community Health
- Social Work Education
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Visual Arts
- Women Studies/Gender Studies
- Zoology
- Abnormal Psychology
- Adapted Physical Education
- Advanced Microbiology
- Advertising
- Advertising & Consumer Behaviour
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Agricultural Business Management
- Agricultural Geography
- Algebra&Trigonometry
- An Introduction to Aesthetics
- Ancient Greek And Medieval Philosophy
- Animal Diversity
- Apparel Designing
- Applied Entomology
- Applied fields of Psychology
- Archeological Anthropology
- Art of C Programming
- Arts English Language And Teaching
- Aspects Of European History (1780-1939) Src
- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding_EMRC Roorkee
- Bacteriology and Virology
- Basic Concepts in Education
- Basic Econometrics
- Biochemistry Final Folder
- Biogeography
- Biology of Silkworm
- Biomembranes And Bioenergetics
- Botany
- Braille & Assistive Devices
- Business Communication
- Calculus
- Cell Biology
- Cell Biology 1
- Chemical Energetic, Equilibria & Functional Organic Chemistry_EMRC Roorkee
- Child Development
- Classical Political Philosophy
- Classical Sanskrit Literature Drama_EMRC Roorkee
- Cognition and Learning
- Commercial Law
- Communication Theory Models & Processes
- Communication, Media and Society- Key Theoretical Concepts
- Computer Application for Mass Media
- Concept and Theories of Population
- Concepts and Theories of Population
- Conceptual Framework of Accounting
- Constitutional Government Democracy in India
- Constitutional Law
- Contemporary India and Education
- Coordination Chemistry, States Of Matter & Chemical Kinetics_EMRC Roorkee
- Core & Pedagogy of Mathematics
- Corporate Accounting
- Corporate Finance
- Cost accounting
- Crime & Society
- Criminal Law and Criminology
- Criminalistics
- Critical Survey of Sanskrit Literature_EMRC Roorkee
- Cryptography
- Crystallography And Mineralogy Theory
- Curriculum, Adaptation and Teaching Strategies for Visual Impaired
- Cyberlaw
- Cytogenetics
- Data Mining
- Decision Making
- Developing Life Skills
- Developmental Biology
- Diet Management in Health and Disease
- Differential Calculus
- Discrete Mathematics
- Diseases Of Horticultural Crops And Their Management
- Documentary
- Documentary- Theory & Production
- E-Commerce Technologies
- Ecology and Environmental Pollution
- Economic Botany
- Education In Contemporary India
- Education in Post Independent India
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Technology
- Enterpreneurial Skills
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment and Elements of Ecology
- Environmental Geology
- Environmental, Food & Dairy Microbiology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Family Law
- Family Resource Management and Housing
- Field Crops
- Final Making of Modern India_1857-1950
- Financial accounting
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Chemistry
- Food Microbiology
- Food Microbiology-1
- Food Preservation Technology
- Food Science and Processing
- Foundations of Mathematical Statistics
- Fundamentals of Business & Accounting for Managers
- Fundamentals Of Rural Sociology And Educational Psychology
- General Microbiology
- General Sericulture
- Genetics
- Genetics and Genomics
- Geochemistry
- Geography of India
- Geography of Tourism
- Graph Theory
- Graphics and Design
- Health Education And Recreation
- Health Psychology
- Hindi
- Home Science - Extension and Communication Management - Level 1
- Home Science - Extension and Communication Management - Level 2
- Hospitality Industry in Tourism
- HRD System & Strategies
- HRM for Non-Hr Managers
- Human Development
- Human Growth Development
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Human Rights In India
- Human Rights Of Minorities And Indigenous People
- Human Rights, International Law and International Humanitarian Law
- Human Rights, Law and Criminal Justice
- ICT Skills In Education
- Identification of Children With Visual Impairment and Assessment of Needs
- Immunology
- IMOII_EMRC Roorkee
- Inclusive Education
- Indian Culture and Art
- Indian Financial Markets and Services
- Indian Govt and Politics Final Folder
- Indian Political Thought
- Indian writing in English
- Industrial Microbiology and Immunology
- Industrial Pharmacy-I_EMRC Roorkee
- Information Security
- International Tourism Destinations
- Intervention and Teaching Strategies for Visually Impaired
- Introductio to Film Studies_final - CEC_EMRC Roorke
- Introduction to Audio-Visual Media
- Introduction to Basic Psycological Processes
- Introduction to Criminal Law
- Introduction to Criminal Law- A General Perspective of Substantive and Procedural Aspects
- Introduction to Film Studies
- Introduction to Forensic Science
- Introduction to Mass Communication
- Introduction to Physical Anthropology
- Introductory Microbiology
- IT Fundamentals
- Jadeed Urdu Shaeri
- Karnatic Instruments
- Language of Cinema Quadrants
- Learning, Teaching and Assessment
- Literary Criticism
- Major Film Movements And The Autiers)Film Form and Style
- Making of Modern Europe_Kingshuk Chatterjee
- Making of Modern Europe- Revolution, Nationalism and War (SRC) Final
- Making of Modern Europe: Revolution, Nationalism & War
- Marketing Managment
- Mathematics and Statistics of Business Economics
- Medical Microbiology
- Metamorphic Petrology
- Microbial Cytology Physiology and Recombinant DNA
- Microbial Genetics
- Modern Algebra
- Modern American Literature
- Modern and Contemporary Western Philosophy
- Modern British Literature
- Molecular Biology
- Molecules of Life and Biophysical Parameters
- MOOC Hindi Cinema final
- MOOCs - Data Structure
- Mulberry and Silkworm Crop Protection
- Musicology & Basics of Karnatic Music
- Nature of Language
- Neuro-developmental Disabilities
- OC-1_EMRC Roorkee
- Organization and Management of Early Childhood Care and Education Centres
- Organizational Behaviour
- Orientation and Mobility
- Pedagogy of Teaching English
- Penning for frames
- Perspectives on Education
- Photo Geology and Remote Sensing
- Photojournalism
- Phycology and Microbiology
- Physical and Structure Geology
- Physical Geography - I - Elements of Geomorphology
- Physical Geography - II - Climatology and Oceanography
- Plant Biochemistry And Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Pathology and Soil Health
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Physiology And Metabolism
- Plant Systematics
- Pol Sc Administration and Public Policy
- Population, Environment and Development
- Principes of Macroeconomics-1_EMRC Roorkee
- Principle of Ecology
- Principle of Sociology
- Principles of Genetics
- Principles of Marketing
- Probability and Statistics
- Proficiency course in French
- Proficiency course in German
- Proficiency course in Russian
- Proficiency course in Spanish
- Psycho Social and Family Issues of Individuals with Visual Impairment
- Psychology for Health and Well Being
- Psychology of Development and Learning
- Psychology with Special reference to Physical Education
- Quantitative Techniques for Management
- Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Photochemistry_EMRC Roorkee
- Radio Production
- Research Methods In Population
- Resources and Environment
- Retail Business Management
- Sanskrit Composition and Composition_EMRC Roorkee
- School Organization, Administration and Management
- Sensory Disabilities
- Settlement Geography
- Social Culture Anthropology
- Socio Cultural Anthropology
- Sociology of Tribal Society
- Solutions, Phase Equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry & Functional Organic Chemistry-II_EMRC Roorkee
- Sports Administration And Management
- Statistics for Business Economics
- Stratigraphy and Palaeontology
- Study of Prose and Poetic Forms in Urdu Literature
- Study of Urdu Classical Ghazals
- Technology and Education of The Visually Impaired
- Television Journalism
- Textile Study
- Tourism and Travel Management
- Tourism Operations
- Tourism Resources of India
- Tourism Transport and Travel Services
- Trends and Developments in Modern Educational Practices
- Trends and Dynamics of World Population
- Vision to Mission-Indian Philosophy from Classical to Contemporary
- WEED Management
- Writing for Mass Media
- Yoga
- तालों का सौदर्यशस्त्र