Page 143 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 143

Fig. 53: Navratri @INFLIBNET Centre

           4.3.  Republic Day

           The INFLIBNET Centre celebrated 68  Republic Day on 26  January 2017 at INFLIBNET Centre, Infocity,
           Gandhinagar. The National Flag was hoisted by Mr. Manoj Kumar K., Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET
           Centre. Mr. Manoj Kumar K addressed the staff members and their families about the activities of the
           Centre. A number of games were organized for staff and their children during the event and prizes were
           distributed to the winners of the games.

           5.   Visitors

           The Centre had privileged of welcoming the following important visitors.

           Mr. R Subrahmanyam, Additional Secretary, MHRD, New Delhi

           Prof. H Devaraj, Vice Chairman, UGC, New Delhi

           Dr. (Mrs) Pankaj Mittal, Additional Secretary, UGC, New Delhi

           Prof. Uma Kanjilal, DLIS, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
           Mr. Pradeep Kaul, Senior Consultant, NME-ICT, MHRD, New Delhi

           Prof. K S Raghavan, Retired Professor ,DRTC, Bengaluru

           Dr. Usha Munshi, Librarian, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi
           Dr. G. K. Manjunath, Chief Librarian, IGIDR, Mumbai

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