Page 153 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 153

Appendix VI
                                       State-Wise List of the SOUL Installations

                                                                    st            st
                      Sl. No.     Name of the State    Installation  1  April, 16 to 31   March, 17   Total
                            1  Andhra Pradesh                 271                         15     286
                            2  Assam                           67                          6       73
                            3  Bihar                           14                          2       16
                            4  Chhattisgarh                    32                          4       36
                            5  Daman                            2                          0        2

                            6  Goa                              3                          0        3
                            7  Gujarat                        885                         43     928
                            8  Haryana                        101                          8      109
                            9  Himachal Pradesh                65                          2       67
                           10  Jammu & Kashmir                 70                          3       73
                           11  Jharkhand                        8                          0        8

                           12  Karnataka                       31                          0       31
                           13  Kerala                         130                          1      131
                           14  Madhya Pradesh                 245                         12      257
                           15  Maharashtra                    430                         19     449
                           16  Manipur                          0                          1        1

                           17  Meghalaya                        3                          0        3
                           18  Mizoram                         26                          3       29
                           19  Nagaland                         4                          1        5
                           20  Nepal                            3                          1        4
                           21  New Delhi                       38                          1       39
                           22  North Eastern States          296                           0     296
                           23  Orissa                          10                          1       11

                           24  Pondicherry                      0                          5        5
                           25  Punjab                         125                          4      129
                           26  Rajasthan                       59                          1       60
                           27  Tamil Nadu                      34                          0       34
                           28  Uttar Pradesh                   96                          9      105

                           29  Uttaranchal                     19                          0       19
                           30  West Bengal                    136                          7      143
                               Total                        3,203                       149     3,352

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