Page 158 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 158

Appendix IX
                                     Joint Negotiation Committee, e-Shodh Sindhu
                                                 (As on 31  March 2017)

           Ex. Officio Members                                Mr. G Mahesh
                                                              Coordinator, CSIR E-journal Consortium
           Prof. Ajit Kembhavi   (Chairman)                   NISCAIR, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi
           Former Director
           Inter-University Centre for                        Dr. D.D. Lal
           Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA)                 Coordinator
           Pune                                               DelCON (DBT), Gurgaon

           Dr. Jagdish Arora (Convener)                       Mr. Yogesh Modi
           Director                                           Scientist - D
           INFLIBNET Centre                                   DESIDOC
           Infocity, Gandhinagar                              Metcalfe House

                                                              New Delhi (Coordinator, DRDO  Consortium)
           Dr. R S Rana
           Senior Scientist and I/C                           Nominated Members:
           CERA Consortium, New Delhi                         Dr N C Shivaprakash
                                                              Librarian (I/C)
           Dr. K. P. Singh                                    Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
           Director  & Coordinator (ERMED Consortium)
           National Medical Library                           Dr. Tamal Kumar Guha
           New Delhi                                          Librarian
                                                              IIT Guwahati
           Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai
           Scientist D (CS) & Incharge of e-Shodh Sindhu      Member from Integrated Finance
           INFLIBNET Centre                                   MHRD, New Delhi
           Infocity, Gandhinagar
                                                              Member from TEL Bureau
                                                              MHRD, New Delhi

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