Page 38 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 38

5.   Human Resource Development & Consultancy

                                                                                H G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS)

                                                                                         Hema Cholin, STO (LS)
                                                                                 Vijaykumar Shrimali, STA (CS)
                                                                                   All Technical Staff Members

           One of the important objectives of the Centre is to impart training in the use of ICT to library and
           information science professionals working in university and college libraries. Since the inception of the
           Centre in 1991, 721 programmes include annual conventions, training programmes, workshops and

           seminars focusing on the library automation, networking, e-resource awareness, theses repositories,
           institutional  repositories,  etc.  have  been  conducted  by  the Centre  benefiting  58,283  participants.
           INFLIBNET  Regional Training  Programmes  for  Library  Automation  (IRTPLA)  and  User  Awareness
           Programmes on e-resources, Shodhganga and plagiarism detection software were conducted across
           the country in collaboration with the universities and colleges. National and International Conventions

           called PLANNER in North-Eastern regions and CALIBER in various states of India are being organized bi-
           annually as part of the human resource development activities. The Centre has also conducted a total
           no. of 130 Training Programmes on SOUL Installation and Operations for Libraries so far.  Brief reports
           on every training programme organized during the period under report are given in Part III : National
           Conference, Workshops, Seminars and Training Programme of this report. Table 8 given below provides

           no. of human resources development programmes conducted across the country and no. of participants
           who benefitted from these programmes during the year under report.

              Sl.      Name of the Programme                                     Programmes            Total
              No.                                                                                Participants
              1       IRTPLA (INFLIBNET Regional  Training Programme on                     2            77

                      Library Automation
              2       Onsite / In House Training Programme on SOUL 2.0                      1            25
              3       Special Training Programme and National Workshops                    18           485
              4       PLANNER                                                               1           200
              5       Training Programme on SOUL 2.0                                        7           11 9
              6       Shodh  ganga Awareness Programme/Anti Plagiarism                      6          1190
              7       National Conference on ETD                                            1            66

              8       e-PG Pathashala: Content Creation for Post Graduate                   1           125
              9       NML Training Programmes                                               7           225
              10      The 2016 Higher Education Forum                                       1            50
                      Total                                                                45         2,562

                       Table 8:  Conferences/Training programmes/ Workshops/Seminars conducted by
                                             INFLIBNET Centre during 2016-17

                                                          - 29 -
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43