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7.1.7.     Funds Released during FY 2015-16 and 2016-17

           The Consortium  received Rs.168.00  crores  in  the  FY  2015-16,  Rs.  235.00  crores  during  FY  2016-17
           including Rs. 21.32 crores for World e-Book Library and South Asia Archive. The details of funds released
           is as given below Table 13:

                   Sl.No.     Funds Released                                                Rupees in

                             FY 2015 2016                 -
                     1       Funds released in Dec 2015                                        168.00
                             (Vide Letter no F.16-23/2014-TEL, dated 19th Dec 2015)
                             FY 2016 2017                  -
                     1       Funds released in May 2016                                          39.00
                             (Vide Letter no F.16-23/2014-TEL, dated 9th May 2016)
                     2       Funds released in November 2016                                     22.58
                             (Vide Letter no F.16-23/2014-TEL, dated 20th Oct 2016)

                     3       Funds released for WEL & SAA                                        21.32
                             (Vide Letter no F.16-23/2014-TEL, dated 11th Aug 2016)
                     4       Funds released in Dec 2016                                         127.10
                             (Vide Letter no F.16-23/2014-TEL, dated 27th Dec 2016)
                     5       Funds released in February 2017                                     25.00
                             (Vide Letter no F.16-23/2014-TEL, dated 10th Feb 2017)

                             Total (FY 2016-2017)                                              235.00

                                  Table 13: Funds Released during FY 2015-16 and 2016-17

           7.1.8.   Usage of e-Resources: Analysis

           Most  publishers  maintain  detailed  usage  statistics  for  resources  made  accessible  to  subscribing

           institutions. The publishers provide username and password to subscribing institutions for accessing the
           usage statistics for their resources for monitoring purpose. The Consortium analyses the usage on
           various parameters as mentioned below.

      Average Cost of an Article

           The average cost per download represents average cost of each access event to a full-text article and is
           calculated by dividing subscription cost of a resource by the number of articles downloaded.

                                                           - 45 -
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59