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UGC Act. All expenses on subscription to e-resources for these institutions are borne by the MHRD. In
addition, access to e-resources to Government engineering colleges is provided with funding from the
AICTE. The access is extended to other institutes under Associate Membership programme of e-Shodh
Sindhu. Categories of member institutions of e-Shodh Sindhu entitles for access to e-resources through
e-Shodh Sindhu given below in Table 11.
Sl. No. Category No . of Institutions
1 IITs &IISc 17
3 IIMs 13
4 IISERs 5
6 12 (B) State Universities 135
7 Central Universities 40
8 Deemed Universities (UGC funded) 22
9 National Law Schools/Universities 15
10 IUCs of UGC 6
Total 284
Table 11: List of Member Institutions
The Consortium also provides access to three e-resources, namely; ASCE, ASME, IEEE-ASPP to 94
AICTE Funded institutions (including 22 Universities/department of Universities) with the funding from
the AICTE. The Consortium also provides access to 6500+ journals and 15000+ ebooks to more than 3000
colleges under the NLIST programme. The list of institutions included in various categories of
institutions is given in
7.1.3. Current Status: Services and Activities
The INFLIBNET Centre acts as a nodal agency for implementation, monitoring and execution of the
entire programme through the committees mentioned above. It coordinates all activities concerned
with negotiation, renewal of subscription to e-resources and subsequent trouble shooting on behalf of
the Consortium. e-Shodh Sindhu also promotes cooperation amongst member institutions and
facilitates better terms of references for use and preservation of subscribed electronic resources. Implementation and Execution of the Programme
The consortium co-ordinates the meeting of various committees of the consortium, negotiates rates of
subscription to e-resources and terms and conditions of access to e-resources. The INFLIBNET Centre
has also developed a Model License Agreement for subscription of e-resources. The INFLIBNET Centre
also subscribes the e-resources and signs license agreement on behalf of the member institutions of e-
Shodh Sindhu.
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