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Fig. 48: NIRF Parameters for Ranking of Institutes

           Ranking  methods  has  worked  out  for  different  categories  of  institutions  i.e. Overall,  Engineering,

           Management,  Pharmacy,  Architecture,  Law,  Universities  and  Colleges.  Although  the  Ranking
           Frameworks are similar, the exact methodologies are domain specific. The Centre developed a web
           application  for  institutions  for  capturing  required  data  online.  The  Centre  was  also  given  the

           responsibility to provide data on the research publications and citations from Web of Science, Scopus
           and Indian Citation Index.

           The  INFLIBNET  Centre  was  also  given  the  responsibility  for  developing  NIRF  Web  interface  for

           perception capturing, feedback mechanism and ranking platform. The Centre also provided and verified
           data on patents for universities and engineering institutions. Technical help desk was set-up at the
           INFLIBNET Centre for providing help to applicant institutions.

           13.1.     Participation Profiles

           Institutes desirous of participating in the India Rankings 2017 were invited to register on the NIRF Web
           portal and submit their applications online for overall ranking as well as for one or more disciplines along

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