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21         Channel 21: IIT PAL: Mathematics            IIT PAL 3. IIT Delhi
                 22         Channel 22: IIT PAL: Physics                IIT PAL 4, IIT Delhi
                 Channels 23 to 26 are  Managed by IGNOU    , New Delhi
                 23         Channel 23: IGNOU: Liberal Arts and         IGNOU, New Delhi
                 24         Channel 24: IGNOU: Agriculture,             IGNOU, New Delhi

                            Vocational and Allied Sciences
                 25         Channel 25: IGNOU: Culture                  IGNOU, New Delhi
                 26         Channel 26: IGNOU: State Open               IGNOU, New Delhi
                            Universities’ Programs
                 Channels 27 and 28 are  Managed by the NIOS, New Delhi
                 27         Channel 27: NIOS: Secondary School          NIOS, New Delhi

                 28         Channel 28: NIOS: Higher Secondary          NIOS, New Delhi
                            School Education
                 Channels 29 and 30 are Managed QEEE, IIT Madras

                 29         Channel 29: QEEE: QEEE 1 (Live Classes in   IIT Madras
                            Engineering and Technology)
                 30         Channel 30: QEEE: QEEE 2 (Live Classes in   IIT Madras
                            Engineering and Technology)
                 Channel 31 is  Managed by NCERT
                 31         Channel 31: NCERT: School and Teacher       NCERT, New Delhi

                 Channel 32 is Managed by IGNOU and NIOS Jointly
                 32         Channel 32: IGNOU and NIOS: Teacher         IGNOU and NIOS, New Delhi

                                      Table 31:  Channel Details of SWAYAM-PRABHA

           15.    Revamping of the UGC Websites and Development of Grant Management System and e-
                  Scholarship-Fellowship Award Registration Tracking System (e-SARTS)

           The University Grants Commission has given the responsibility for development and maintenance of

           website of the UGC as well as for automation of its various schemes, Grant Management System and e-
           Scholarship-Fellowship Award Registration Tracking System (e-SARTS). The project was awarded to the
           INFLIBNET Centre in May 2011. The Centre has set-up a dedicated server for the UGC website and
           schemes which is co-located at the Data Centre of the BSNL, Ahmedabad. So far, the Centre has
           developed interfaces for the following schemes are given below in table 32:

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