Page 94 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 94

17.3.     Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS)

           Mr. Abhishek Kumar was special invitee to all the Meeting of subcommittee and well as Standing
           Committee of e-PG Pathshala held at University of Grants Commission, New Delhi during the year under
           report. He was a special invitee to all the Meetings of the Implementation Core Committee of the
           National Institute of Ranking Framework (NIRF) held at National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi. He

           represented INFLIBNET Centre at FSSAI and made a presentation on Project bid for FSKAN at FSSAI,
           New Delhi on 12  August, 2016. He represented INFLIBNET Centre during the meetings on SWAYAM
           PRABHA held in Chennai, Delhi and Gandhinagar during the year under report.

           He was invited to demonstrate repurposing of e-content for MOOC on SWAYAM at the UGC, New Delhi
           on 24  October, 2016. He represented INFLIBNET Centre in the Meeting of Task Force Committee for e-
           Content, UGC, New Delhi on 25  October, 2016. He delivered an invited talk on “e-Learning & MOOC” on
           28  May, 2016 at HRD College, Hyderabad. He was invited to deliver a talk on “e-Learning & MOOC” on
           27  August, 2016 at HRD College, Hyderabad. He was invited to make a presentation of his paper entitled
           “India Rankings 2016: Ranking Model for Indian Higher Educational Institutions on 18  November, 2016
           during International Conference on ICT in Business, Industry and Government (ICTBIG) 2016. He was

           invited to deliver a talk on MOOC at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi on 19  November, 2016.
           He was also invited to deliver a talk on MOOC at Academic Staff College, Devi Ahilya University, Indore
           from 12  to 13  January, 2017. He made an invited presentation of his paper entitled “MOOCs: A Study on
           MOOCs  Platforms  &  Its  Parameters”  during  2   International  Research  Conference  organised  by
           International Association of Research & Development Organization at Jawaharlal Nehru University
           Delhi on 26  February, 2017. He was also invited to deliver a video conferencing lecture on ‘Swyam
           Prabha to MHRD, New Delhi at BISAG, Gandhinagar on 22  February, 2017.
           17.4.      Mr. Kanan P., Scientist C (LS)

           Mr Kannan P was invited by Future of Research Communication and e-Scholarship (FORCE11), a non-
           profit organization to attend an International Annual Conference called FORCE11 2016 during 16  to 19
           April, 2016 at Portland, USA. Apart from the conference, He visited the New York Public Library, New
           York and Princeton University Library, New Jersey during his visit to USA.

           He was invited to deliver a guest lecture on “Academic Identity: An Overview” organized by Nirma

           University  for  faculty  members  of  Institute  of  Pharmacy  on  15   September,  2016  at  Institute  of
           Pharmacy, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. He was also invited to deliver a guest lecture on “Academic
           Identity: An ORCID” organized by Nirma University for faculty members of Institute on 18  February,
           2017 at PG Seminar Hall, Nirma University, Ahmedabad.

           17.5.      Mr. Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS)

           Mr. Swapnil Patel was invited to give suggestions on the Library module of the In-house ERP software on
           21  November 2016 at INDUS University, Ahmedabad. He was also   invited to deliver a lecture on

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