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17.  Awards, Honours and Distinctions

           17.1.  Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director

           Dr.  Jagdish  Arora  delivered  31 Sarada  Ranganathan  Endowment  Lecture  on  “Changing  Roles  of
           Libraries in Research and Innovation” and “Data Management and Libraries” organized by Sarada
           Ranganathan  Endowment  for  Library  Science  (SRELS)  and  Ranganathan  Centre  for  Information

           Studies, Bangalore on 31 August, 2016 in Anna University, Chennai.
           Dr.  Arora  was  nominated  as  a  Member  of  the  Expert  Committee,  National  Institutional  Ranking
           Framework (NIRF) as well as a member of the Implementation Core Committee of the India Rankings
           2017 (NIRF) for the years 2016 and 2017. He continued to be a member of the Project Review and
           Steering Group (PRSG) of the National Digital Library Project of the National Mission on Education
           through ICT being executed by the IIT Kharagpur. Dr. Arora continued to be a member of the Standing

           Committee as well as its sub-committee, e-PG Pathshala, a project of the National Mission on Education
           through ICT being executed by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. He is also Member of the
           Advisory Committee of ICSSR for Setting up Data Centre in ICSSR, New Delhi. He was nominated a
           member of the UGC’s Standing Committee on Notification of Journals. He continued to be a member of
           the Court of Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar.

           Dr. Arora  was Chairman  of  the  special  session  on  National  Digital  Library  (NDL)  wherein  he  also
           moderated a panel discussion on NDL during 5  International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL-
           2016):  “Smart Future: Knowledge Trends that will Change the World” held at India Habitat Centre, New
           Delhi on 13   December, 2016.
           Dr.  Jagdish  Arora  delivered  a  number  of  invited  talks,  keynote  addresses  and  moderated  panel
           discussions as per the details given below:

           i)   Invited talk on “ICSSR Data Service: Social Science Data Repository”, during the EqUIP Academic

                Symposium on Digital Archives and Databases as a Source of Mutual Knowledge, held on 5   and 6
                May, 2016 in Rome, Italy.
           ii)   Keynote  address  on  “Changing  Role  of  Libraries  in  Google  Era”  during  the  International
                Conference on “From Ownership to Access: Leveraging the Digital Paradigm” held on 19  and 20  th
                May 2016 at Ambedkar University Delhi, Kashmere Gate, Delhi.

           iii)   Invited presentation on “Activities and Services of INFLIBNET Centre” during the DST-Interaction

                Meet on Development of Database of Indian / NRIs Ph. D. Degree Holders, held on 5 April, 2016 at
                Technology Bhawan, New Delhi.

           iv)   Invited  talk  on  “Information  Sharing  &  Cloud  Computing”,  during  “Recent  Advances  in
                Information Technology (READIT)”: National Conference on Information Access in Digital Era”

                organized from 13  to 14 July, 2016 at IGCAR, Kalpakkam.

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