Page 103 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 103
: INFLIBNET Centre should be given the responsibility to develop state-of-art ICT
infrastructure with arrangement of adequate learning resources to the public, special and
academic (school, college and university) libraries.
2. National Conference on Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (iETD 2016), INFLIBNET Centre,
Gandhinagar, 5 -7 October, 2016
National Conference on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (iETD 2016) was organised at INFLIBNET
Centre, Gandhinagar from 5 to 7 October, 2016. Mr. Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS), Convenor and Ms.
Suboohi S., STO (LS), Co-Convenor coordinated the Conference. Mr. Manoj Kumar welcomed the
guests and participants. Dr. Jagdish Arora delivered opening remarks and introduced services and
activities of the INFLIBNET Centre. Prof. Anamik Shah, Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad
inaugurated the National Conferece by lighting the ceremonial lamp in presence of Dr. Nabi Hasan,
University Librarian, Aligarh Muslim University, Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, Mr. Manoj Kumar K,
Scientist D (CS), Mr. H. G. Hosamani, Scientist C (LS) and Ms. Suboohi S., STO (LS), INFLIBNET Centre. In
his inaugural address, Prof. Shah emphasized the importance of research and ETDs and also discussed
the role of scientific research especially in chemistry and informed about setting-up of a unique facility
i.e. National Facility for Drug Discovery Complex at Rajkot University with emphasis on industry-
academic linkages for research.
Prof.Anamik Shah uploaded 1,00,000 thesis as a milestone in Shodhganga project during the
Inaugural Session.
Dr. Nabi Hasan delivered keynote address wherein he highlighted the process of digitisation of theses
carried out at the AMU. Ms. Suboohi briefed about the three days programme followed by the brief
presentation by Mr. Prathap Das from ProQuest. Mr. H. G. Hosamani extended a warm vote of thanks at
the end of the inaugural function.
During the National Conference, technical sessions started with presentations on various topics on ETD
related to the theme of the Conference i.e. “Evolving ETDs to Knowledge Repositories” are given below:
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