Page 107 - Annual Report 2016_17
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Prof. Soumitra Sarkar, University Librarian, Prof. Pijush Kanti Panigrahi, Dean of Faculty Council for
           Post-Graduate Studies in Education, Journalism and Library Science, University of Calcutta, Prof. Durga
           Sankar  Rath, Vidyasagar University,  Mr. Arup  Roy Chowdhury,  Deputy  Librarian,  Indian Statistical
           Institute, Mr. Divyakant Vaghela, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET Centre, Mr. Biswajit Bhattacharya, SOUL

           Coordinator, Mr. Anirban Maji, SOUL Technical Assistant, West Bengal & Orissa Region and Mr. Anupam
           Sharma, SOUL Technical Assistant, North-Eastern Region were resource persons during the technical
           sessions.   Theoretical lectures were followed by “hands-on” practice on the same modules by the
           participants. All the practical sessions of the Training Programme involved intensive discussions and
           interactions on various pros and cons of SOUL software between participants and the resource persons.
           37 participants participated in the programme.  Dr. Pubalika Bhattachrya Maitra, Assistant Professor,
           DLIS extended warm vote of thanks at the end of the programme.

           6.   Specialized Training Programmes and National Workshops

           6.1.  Two-day Training Programme on Latest Trends in Library and Information Science for LIS
                Teachers of North-East India, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 15  -16  April, 2016
           Two-day Training Programme on Latest Trends in Library and Information Science for LIS Teachers of
           North-East India was organized at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar from 15  to 16  April, 2016. Mr. H G
           Hosamani, Scientist C (LS), INFLIBNET Centre coordinated the programme. Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director,
           INFLIBNET Centre inaugurated the programme. 27 participants attended the programme. The training
           programme covered theoretical and practical sessions on the following topics related to latest trends in
           library and information science.

               Topics                                          Name of the Expert
               Thesaurus to Ontology: An Overview of           Prof. K S Raghavan, Retired Professor DRTC,
               Developments in Classification & Knowledge      Bangalore
               E-Learning: Content Creation and Hosting        Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS),
               using MOOC                                      INFLIBNET Centre
               Institutional Repository and Anti-Plagiarism     Mr. Manoj Kumar K.,  Scientist D (CS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
               INFLIBNET Activities and Services               Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, INFLIBNET

               Interpersonal Skills for  LIS Professionals     Dr.Usha Munshi, Librarian, IIPA, Delhi
               Emerging Technology in LIS with Reference to  Dr.Usha Munshi, Librarian, IIPA, Delhi
               Use of Social Networks and ICT Tools in
               Content Management System: Tools  and           Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai,  Scientist D (CS),
               Software                                        INFLIBNET Centre

               Bibliometric Tools and Techniques               Ms. Kruti Trivedi, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET

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