Page 108 - Annual Report 2016_17
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6.2.  Three-Day  National  Workshop  on  Metadata  Standards:  Retrospective  Conversion,
           Preservation, Harvesting and Migration, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 16 -18  May, 2016
           Three-day National Workshop on Metadata Standards: Retrospective Conversion, Preservation and
           Migration was organized at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar from 16  to 18 May, 2016. Mrs. Vaishali
           Shah, Scientist B (LS) and Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre coordinated the
           Workshop. Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, INFLIBNET Centre inaugurated the workshop. 11 participants
           attended the Workshop. The National Workshop covered theoretical and practical sessions on the

           following topics related to metadata standards.
                Topics                                      Name of Expert and Institution

                INFLIBNET Activities and Services           Mr.  Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS),
                                                            INFLIBNET Centre
                Importance of  Metadata and Overview of     Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS),
                Metadata Standards                          INFLIBNET Centre
                Understanding  MARC21, MARCXML and          Mr. Yatrik Patel, Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET
                Dublin Core                                 Centre
                Retrospective Conversion: Introduction,     Mrs. Vaishali Shah, Scientist B (LS),
                Need, Scope, Planning, Method & Steps:      INFLIBNET Centre

                Hands-on Practice
                Retrospective Conversion of Metadata        Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                (Books and Journal Articles) using ISISMARC  INFLIBNET Centre
                Insights  for Converting Multilingual       Mr. Yatrik Patel, Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET
                Bibliographic Data                          Centre

                “Hands-On” Demonstration: Copy              Mr. Divyakant Vaghela, Scientist B (CS),
                Cataloguing and  XL2MARCXML Utility         INFLIBNET Centre
                Developed by the INFLIBNET Centre
                Data Migration between CSV to ISO 2709      Dr. G. K. Manjunath, Chief Librarian, IGIDR,
                CCF and MARC using MARCEdit                 Mumbai
                Understanding Metadata Harvesting &         Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                Preservation                                INFLIBNET Centre

           6.3.  National Workshop on MOOCs, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 24  May 2016

           The National Workshop on MOOCs was organized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) at
           INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 24  May 2016. The objective of the Workshop was to re-purpose e-
           content developed under e-PG Pathshala, into MOOCs compliant format. Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director,

           INFLIBNET welcomed the dignitaries on the dais as well as guests and participants.  He presented an
           outline and the agenda of the Workshop. Dr. (Mrs) Pankaj Mittal, Additional Secretary, UGC briefed

           about content developed under e-PG Pathshala and nuances of making it MOOC compliant. Prof. H
           Devaraj, Vice Chairman, UGC inaugurated the Workshop. In his inaugural address, he briefly outlined

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