Page 113 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 113
6.7. Three-day National Workshop-Cum-Training Programme on DSpace, Mizoram University,
Mizoram, 6 -8 September, 2016
Three-day National Workshop-Cum-Training Programme on Dspace was organized by Mizoram
University, Aizawl in collaboration with INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar from 6 to 8 September, 2016
at Mizoram University, Aizawl. Prof. R. N. Mishra, Head, DLIS welcomed the guest and participants.
Prof. R. Lalthantluanga, Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the programme in presence of Prof. Pravakar
Rath, Dean, School of Economics, Management and Information Science, Prof. R. N. Mishra, Head, Prof.
R. K. Ngurtinkhuma, & Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma, Assistant Professor, DLIS, Mizoram University and Mr.
Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET Centre. In his inaugural address, Prof. Lalthantluanga
stressed upon the requirement of organizing more training programmes to make LIS professionals
more advanced and capable. He also mentioned the major initiatives taken by the University for
academic development and congratulated the department for organizing such training programmes
regularly. Prof. R. K. Ngurtinkhuma highlighted the initiatives taken by the Department for library
professionals’ development in the North-East Region as well as for the country. Prof. Pravakar Rath
pointed out the significance of digitization, digital library software and use of digital media in the LIS
profession to serve user community in a better way. Mr. Swapnil Patel briefed about Dspace and its use,
benefits and usage of the software by various stakeholders. He also shared role of INFLIBNET Centre in
the training and development of institutional repository using Dspace in India. Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma,
Coordinator of the Workshop extended a warm vote of thanks at the end of the inaugural session. 35
participants attended the programme. Dr. Vinit Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dr. Ranganathan Institute
of Library & Information Science, Bundelkhand University, Mr. Swapnil P Patel, Scientist B (CS) and Mr.
Vijaykumar Shrimali, STA (CS), INFLIBNET Centre were resource persons for theoretical and practical
During the valedictory session, Prof. Lalnundanga, Director, UGC-HRDC, Mizoram University was the
Chief Guest. He shared his views on Dspace, digitization, institutional repository, and its significance in
the society and lastly congratulated to the department and organizers for having such kind of training
programmes. Dr. Akhandanand Shukla, Assistant Professor and Workshop Co-coordinator presented
the report of the Workshop in detail. Prof. S. N. Singh, DLIS delivered concluding remarks and
encouraged participants to participate in such kinds of programmes for get more technical knowledge.
Prof. Pravakar Rath, Dean, SEMIS, in his presidential address, acknowledged the support given by
INFLIBNET Centre in terms of finances and human resources. He stressed upon the requirement of
additional infrastructure for organization of such programmes/Workshops. Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma,
Assistant Professor, DLIS & Workshop Coordinator extended a warm vote of thanks at the end of the
valedictory session.
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