Page 112 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 112

Workshop covered theoretical and practical sessions on various topics related to E-Prints are given

             Topics                                       Name of Expert and Institution
             INFLIBNET Activities and Services            Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS),
                                                          INFLIBNET Centre
             Institutional Repositories:  a Primer        Mr. Yatrik Patel,  Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET
             Metadata Standards and Institutional         Mrs. Vaishali Shah, Scientist B (LS),
             Repositories                                 INFLIBNET Centre
             Introduction to Linux and Understanding      Mr. Divyakant Vaghela, Scientist B (CS),
             File System Layout, Creation Of User and     INFLIBNET Centre

             Group, and Basic Commands
             Understanding E-Prints (Features,            Mr. Madhan M, IISc, Bangalore
             Statistics, Bazaar, Altmetrics, etc.)
             Hands-On  Session : Creation of IR using E-  Mr. Raja V, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET
             Prints and Installation                      Centre
             Hands-On session : E-Prints  Administration  Mr. Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B (CS),

                                                          INFLIBNET Centre
             Hands-On session : E-Prints Submission       Mrs. Vaishali Shah, Scientist B (LS),
                                                          INFLIBNET Centre
             Hands-On session : Advanced configuration  Mr. Raja V, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET
                                                          Centre and   Mr. Madhan M, IISc, Bangalore
             Hands-On Session : Maintenance, Backup       Mr. Swapnil Patel,  Scientist B (CS),
             and Restore                                  INFLIBNET Centre

           6.6.  Five-day National Workshop on Cloud Computing, Virtualization and Network Management,
                INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 29 August- 2   September, 2016
           The INFLIBNET Centre organized three-day National Workshop on Cloud Computing, Virtualization and
           Network Management from 29  August to 2  September, 2016. Mr. Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS) and
           Mr. Gaurav Prakash, Scientist B (CS) coordinated the Workshop. The purpose of the Workshop was to
           impart  a  better  understanding  of  the  network  architecture,  design,  management,  concept  of
           virtualization, its benefits and uses, concept of cloud computing and its applications. It also provided a
           platform to gain “hands-on” experience on cloud computing and network management. Mr. Gaurav
           Prakash, Scientist B (CS)   from INFLIBNET Centre served as resource person for the Workshop. 4

           participants took part in the Workshop.

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