Page 124 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 124

Topics                                        Name of the Expert
                 National Mission on Libraries : An Overview   Mr.  Kannan  P,    Scientist  D  (LS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                 Library Automation:  An Overview              Dr.Jyoti Mishra, Deputy Librarian,
                                                               University of Lucknow

                 Effective Communication Skill                 Mr. Kashif Khan, Librarian, Era’s Lucknow
                                                               Medical College & Hospital
                 Library Automation : Acquisition-Koha         Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                 Library    Automation      :   Cataloguing,   Mr.  H  G  Hosamani,  Scientist  C  (LS),
                 Circulation and OPAC-Koha                     INFLIBNET Centre
                 Understanding Modern Library Standards        Mr. Miteshkumar  Pandya, Scientist B(LS),
                 MARC and Dublin Core                          INFLIBNETCentre

                 Library Automation: Circulation -Koha         Mr. H G Hosamani, Scientist C(LS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                 Multilingual Information Representation       Dr. Manish Kumar, Information Scientist,
                 through Unicode for Indic Scripts             BHU
                 Standards and Formats for Digitization,       Dr. D K Singh, Deputy Librarian, BHU,
                 Digitization Process and “Hands-On”           Varanasi

                 Library Services for Specially-abled Persons   Dr. D K Singh, Deputy Librarian, BHU,
                 Changing Roles of Public Libraries and        Dr. B K Singh, Librarian, Allahabad
                 Community-based Information Services          University
                 Introduction to e-resources and Discovery     Dr. Manish Kumar, Information Scientist,
                 Tools                                         BHU
                 Use of Social Media and other Web 2.0 Tools   Dr. Anjali Gulati, Asst. Professor & Head
                 for Libraries                                 DLISc, Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow

                 Social Media and Web 2.0 “Hands-On”           Dr. Anjali Gulati, Asst. Professor & Head
                 Practice                                      DLISc, Isabella Thoburn College,
                 Emerging Trends for Libraries in Context of   Mr. Kashif Khan, Librarian, Era’s Lucknow
                 Public Libraries                              Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow
                 Open Source Tools for Libraries               Dr. U M Raja, Librarian, IIM- Lucknow

           7.4.   7  Five-day National Workshop on Capacity Building Programme of National Mission on
                  Libraries for Public Library Personnel, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, 20 -24 June, 2016
           7  Five-day National Workshop on Capacity Building Programme of the National Mission on Libraries for
           Public Library Personnel was organized by University of Kalyani in collaboration with INFLIBNET Centre,

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