Page 125 - Annual Report 2016_17
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Gandhinagar at Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kalyani, Kalyani from 20
           to 24 June, 2016. Mr. H G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS), Mr. Kannan P, Scientist C (LS) and Mr. Miteshkumar
           Pandya, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre coordinated the programme. Professor (Dr.) Malayendu
           Saha, Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the  programme. 36  participants  attended the  programme. The
           National  Workshop  covered  theoretical  and  practical  sessions  on  the  following  topics  related  to
           Capacity Building Programme:

                Topics                                         Name of Expert and Institution
                National Mission on Libraries : An Overview    Mr. Anirban Biswas, System Manager,

                                                               RRRLF, Kolkata
                Library  Automation:  Overview  and  Open  Mr.  Abhijit  Bhowmik,  Librarian,  State
                Source Tools for Libraries                     Central Library, West Bengal

                 Library  Automation:  Introduction  to  Koha,  Dr. P.S. Mukhopadhyay, Associate Prof.,
                Configuring Koha, Acquisition Module           DLIS, University of Kalyani
                 of Koha
                Understanding Modern Library Standards         Mr. H.G. Hosamani,  Scientist C (LS)
                MARC and Dublin Core                           INFLIBNET Centre

                Emerging Trends for Libraries in Context of    Prof. S C Biswas, DLIS, Burdwan
                Public Libraries                               University
                Changing Roles of Public Libraries and         Prof. J K Sarkhel, DLIS, University of
                Community-based Information Services           Kalyani
                Library Automation : Cataloguing,              Prof. P. S. Mukhopadhyay, DLIS,
                Circulation and OPAC-Koha                      University of Kalyani

                Use of Social Media and other Web 2.0 Tools  Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                for Libraries                                  INFLIBNET Centre
                Koha – Report generation and other utilities   Prof. P. S. Mukhopadhyay, DLIS,
                                                               University of Kalyani
                Standards and Formats for Digitization,        Dr. D. K. Singh, Deputy Librarian, BHU
                Digitization Process and “Hands On”
                Social Media and Web 2.0 (including their      Practical Staff lead by Dr. P.S.
                applications in Library OPAC): Hands on        Mukhopadhyay and Mr.Miteshkumar

                Practice                                       Pandya
                Library Services for Specially-abled persons   Dr. D. K. Singh, Deputy Librarian, BHU
                Multilingual information representation        Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                through Unicode for Indic Scripts              INFLIBNET Centre
                Introduction to e-Resources and Discovery      Mr. Kannan P, Scientist C (CS), INFLIBNET
                Tools                                          Centre

                Effective Communication Skills                 Dr. Niladri Chatterjee, Professor, Dept. of
                                                               English, University of Kalyani

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