Page 126 - Annual Report 2016_17
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           7.5.   8  Five-day National Workshop on Capacity Building Programme of National Mission on
                  Libraries for Public Library Personnel, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 25 -29  July, 2016
           8  Five-day National Workshop on Capacity Building Programme of National Mission on Libraries for
           Public Library Personnel was organized at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar from 25  to 29  July, 2016.
           Mr. H G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS), Mr. Kannan P, Scientist C (LS) and Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist
           B  (LS),  INFLIBNET  Centre  coordinated  the  programme.  Mr.  Manoj  Kumar  K,  Scientist  D  (CS)
           inaugurated  the  programme.  30  participants  attended  the  programme.  The  National  Workshop
           covered  theoretical  and  practical  sessions  on  the  following  topics  related  to  Capacity  Building


                Topics                                         Name of Expert and Institution
                National Mission on Libraries: An Overview     Mr. Kannan P,  Scientist C (LS), INFLIBNET
                Open Source Tools for Libraries                Mr.  Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                Library Automation: Overview                   Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                Library Automation: Acquisition-Koha           Mr. Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                Emerging Trends for Libraries in Context of    Dr. K B Agadi, Assistant Librarian,  Central
                Public Libraries                               University Gujarat, Gandhinagar
                Understanding Modern Library Standards         Mr. Dinesh Pradhan, Scientist B (LS),
                MARC and Dublin Core                           INFLIBNET Centre
                Library Automation: Cataloguing and OPAC-      Mr. H G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS),

                Koha                                           INFLIBNET Centre
                Changing Roles of Public Libraries             Dr. Nimesh Oza, Head, DLISC,  S P
                Community based Information Services           Dr. NimeshOza, Head, DLISC,  S P
                Library Automation: Koha- Circulation          Mr. H G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                Multilingual Information Representation        Mr.Yatrik Patel, Scientist D (CS),
                through Unicode for Indic scripts              INFLIBNET Centre
                Introduction to e- Resources and Discovery     Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai, Scientist D (CS),
                Tools in Public Library Context                INFLIBNET Centre
                Standards and Formats for Digitization         Mr. Manoj Kumar K,  Scientist D (CS),
                                                               INFLIBNET Centre
                Effective Communication Skill                  Dr.Lalitha Poluru, Librarian, Institute of
                                                               Pharmacy, Nirma University

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