Page 131 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 131

Prabhavathi,  University  Librarian  coordinated  the  programme  and  welcomed  the  guests  and
           participants. Prof. V. Durga Bhavani, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the programme with lighting

           of traditional lamp along with Prof. P. Vijayalakshmi, Registrar, Dr. D. Prabhavathi, University Librarian
           and Mr. Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET Centre.  In her inaugural address, she stressed upon
           improvement of quality of research, how the research has become challenging in the current scenario
           and  how  important  it  is  to  use  the  plagiarism  checkers  for  Ph.D.  theses  as  well  as  for  research
           papers/articles.  Prof. P. Vijayalakshmi opined that such types of awareness-cum-demonstration not

           only guide the research community in right direction but also help in improving quality of research
           ultimately benefiting the society.   Mr. Manoj Kumar spoke about the importance of Shodhganga,
           utilization of plagiarism detection software and participation of Indian Universities in Shodhganga. 150
           participants including faculty members and research scholars from various departments of University
           attended the programme. Prof. S. Jyothi, Department of Computer Science and Dr. D. Prabhavathi,

           University Librarian extended a warm vote of thanks to the INFLIBNET Centre, University authorities
           and all the participants.

           8.4.   One-day  User  Awareness  Programme  on  Shodhganga  and  URKUND:  A  Plagiarism
                  Detection Tool, Periyar University, Salem, 9  August, 2016
           One-day User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and URKUND: A Plagiarism Detection Tool was
           organized by Periyar University, Salemin collaboration with INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 9
           August 2016 at Periyar University, Salem. Prof Dr. M. Manivannan, Registrar welcomed guests and
           participants. Dr.  Swaminathan, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the programme in presence of Dr.
           M.  Manivannan,  Registrar,  Dr. S  Leela, Controller  of  Examination,  Dr.  N. Subramanian, University
           Librarian and Mr. Manoj Kumar K., Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET Centre.  In his inaugural address, Dr.
           Swaminathan stated that Periyar University is one of the prominent member of INFLIBNET Centre and

           contributed all theses into Shodhganga and established ETD Lab in the University Library and now the
           University is going to implement the URKUND software for plagiarism detection.  Mr. Manoj Kumar
           delivered  keynote  address.  During  the  technical  session,  he  also  made  a  presentation  and  live
           demonstration  on URKUND:  Plagiarism  Detection Software.  He  discussed  various  features  of  the
           software  and  its  importance  and  benefits  to  the  academic  community  especially  for  the  research

           supervisors  to  improve  the  quality  of  research  work.  More  than  350  participants  including  faculty
           members and research scholars from various departments of University attended the programme. Dr.
           N. Subramanian, University Librarian coordinated the programme and extended a warm vote of thanks
           at the end of the programme.

           8.5.   One-day  User  Awareness  Programme  on  Shodhganga  and  URKUND:  A  Plagiarism
                  Detection Tool, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, 12  August, 2016

           One-day User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and URKUND: A Plagiarism Detection Tool was
           organized by Central University of Kerala in collaboration with the INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on
           12  August  2016  at  Central  University Auditorium,  Central  University  of  Kerala,  Kasaragod.  Dr.  P.

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