Page 130 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 130

Librarian  I/C,  coordinated  the  programme  and  welcomed  the  guests  and  participants.    Prof.  A.
           Damodaram,  Hon’ble  Vice-Chancellor  inaugurated  the  programme.  In  his  inaugural  address,  he

           stressed upon the importance of quality research and commitment of the faculty and researchers for
           development of research in their respective subjects. He also highlighted the vision of the university in
           producing  quality  research  and  steps  taken  to  improve  the  quality  research.  Mr.  Manoj  Kumar  K,
           Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET Centre made a detailed presentation on Shodhganga and URKUND: a
           plagiarism  Detection  tool.  Prof.  M.  Devarajulu,  Registrar  chaired  the  programme  and  gave  the

           presidential  remarks.  Around  300  participants  including  faculty  members  and  research  scholars
           attended the programme. Dr. K. Surendra Babu, Librarian I/C, extended a warm vote of thanks at the
           end of the programme.

           8.2.     One-day  User  Awareness  Programme  on  Shodhganga  and  URKUND:  A  Plagiarism
                    Detection Tool, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, 9  May, 2016
           One-day User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and URKUND: A Plagiarism Detection Tool was

           organized by Central University of Rajasthan in collaboration with INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar at
           University Auditorium, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer on 9 May, 2016. Prof. (Dr.) Arun K Pujari,
           Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the programme by lighting the traditional lamp in presence of Mr.
           Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET Centre and Dr. Vijaykumar M, Librarian and Coordinator of
           the programme. Mr. Manoj Kumar K delivered welcome address and briefed about different types of

           plagiarism and their legal consequences. Prof. (Dr.) Arun K Pujari, in his inaugural address, shared his
           views  about  plagiarism  detection  tool.  Dr. Vijaykumar  M  extended  a  warm  vote  of  thanks  to  the
           dignitaries on the dais and distinguished participants from different universities/institutions from the
           state of Rajasthan.

           Mr. Manoj Kumar K delivered a presentation and live demonstration on Shodhganga and URKUND: a

           plagiarism detection tool, he elaborated as to how it benefits the academic community to improve the
           quality of research output. The session was highly interactive with a number of questions from the
           audiences. Mr. Saroja Kumar Panda, STA (LS), INFLIBNET Centre delivered a presentation on e-Shodh
           Sindhu. The certificates of participation were distributed to the participants at the end of programme.
           Around 150 participants including students, research scholars and faculty members from the Central
           University of Rajasthan and professionals from different universities and institutions from the state of

           Rajasthan attended the programme.

           8.3.   One-day  User  Awareness  Programme  on  Shodhganga  and  URKUND:  A  Plagiarism
                  Detection Tool, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University), Tirupati, 8
                  August, 2016

           One-day User Awareness Programme on Shodhganga and URKUND: A Plagiarism Detection Tool was

           organized by Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University), Tirupati in collaboration
           with INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 8  August 2016 at Saaveri Seminar Hall, SPMVV, Tirupati. Dr. D.

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