Page 44 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 44

The funds are released to eligible universities on recommendations of the INFLIBNET Centre makes
           recommendation for release to eligible universities as per the guidelines approved by a Committee of

           Experts appointed by the UGC on Shodhganga scheme.

           So far, on the recommendation of the INFLIBNET Centre, UGC has released Rs. 12.31 crores to 87 eligible
           universities for digitization of backlist of theses as well as for setting-up of ETD Laboratories in their
           respective universities.  In addition, release of Rs. 1.69 crores to 9 universities is in the process.

           6.2.2.        Fund released to INFLIBNET Centre on Shodhganga

           In addition to Rs.1.74 crores released to the INFLIBNET Centre by the UGC during FY 2012-2013, Rs. 1.40
           crores has been sanctioned for subscription to plagiarism detection software for universities as well as

           for meeting other expenses including manpower, hardware, training, workshops and travel.

           6.2.3.        Subscription to URKUND: a Plagiarism Detection Software

           INFLIBNET Centre provides access to URKUND: a plagiarism detection software to eligible universities
           that are covered under Sections 12(B)/2(f) of the UGC Act and have signed MoU on Shodhganga with
           INFLIBNET Centre. 153 eligible universities were provided access to URKUND software during the year

           under  report.List  of  universities  having  access  to  URKUND  software  is  available  at
   .  Figure  21  depicts  month-wise
           submissions of theses for plagiarism checked in URKUND from April 2016 to March 2017. An average of
           9,940 submissions are made to URKUND for plagiarism check.

                                             Fig. 21: Submissions in URKUND

                                                           - 35 -
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49