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duplication of resources amongst various Government-funded consortium. Moreover, there is 14.81%
duplication in the number of resources that are being subscribed by three MHRD-funded consortia
namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INDEST-AICTE Consortium and N-LIST to 33.33%
among first two MHRD-funded consortia. Moreover, resources that are not duplicated are being either
being subscribed by individual libraries or are being cross-subscribed through N-LIST project.
Considering these fact, the report submitted by the Expert Committee to the Ministry recommended
that there would be a huge advantage in bringing the three consortia under the Ministry of HRD under
one umbrella. Based on the recommendation of the Expert Committee, formation of e-Shodh Sindhu
was notified in December 2015 merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC-INFONET Digital
Library Consortium, INDEST-AICTE Consortium and NLIST.
7.1.1. Governance
The MHRD has constituted three national committees consisting of MHRD officials, representatives of
member institutions and experts in library and information science. Composition of these three
committees and their role and responsibilities are given below. National Advisory Committee
National Advisory Committee for e-Shodh Sindhu is constituted by the MHRD to advise and guide the
Consortium on rates negotiated by it as well as on collaborative services between MHRD-funded
institutions. The current composition of National Advisory Committee is given in Appendix VII. National Steering Committee
E-Shodh Sindhu is being operated by the INFLIBNET Centre under the overall guidance of a National
Steering Committee that guides and steers the activities of the Consortium. The current composition of
National Steering Committee is given in Appendix VIII. Joint Negotiation Committee
The Joint Negotiation Committee is constituted by the MHRD for negotiating rates of subscription to e-
resources. The current composition of Joint Negotiation Committee is given in Appendix IX. Resource Selection Committee (RSC)
The National Steering Committee has constituted Resource Selection Committees for selection of
appropriate e-resources for member institutions of the Consortium. The current composition of
Resource Selections Committee is given in Appendix X.
7.1.2. Member Institutions
The membership of the Consortium, as on now, is available to CFTIs, Central Universities, deemed
universities funded by UGC and universities & colleges that are covered under 2(f) and 12(B) Sections of
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