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7.2.3.         Electronic Resources Subscribed under the N-LIST Programme

     Full-text Electronic Resources

           Full-text electronic resources contain complete articles along with their bibliographic details. The N-
           LIST programme subscribes to full-text e-resources from scholarly societies, commercial publishers and
           aggregators like American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, Oxford University Press,
           Royal  Society  of  Chemistry,  Cambridge  University  Press,  H  W  Wilson,  etc.  All  full-text  resources
           subscribed under the N-LIST programme contain electronic journals as revealed in the Table 19 given


                    Sl.   E-resources                             Publishing     No. of    Backfiles
                    No.                                           Country        Journals   from
                     1    American Institute of Physics           USA                 18   Ten yrs.
                     2    Annual Reviews                          USA                 33   Ten yrs.
                     3    Cambridge University Press              UK                224    Ten  yrs.
                     4    Economic and Political Weekly (EPW)     India                1   1966+

                     5    Indian Journals                         India              186   2007+
                     6    Institute of Physics                    UK                  46   Vol. 1+
                     7    JSTOR                                   USA              2500    Vol. 1+
                     8    Oxford University Press                 UK                206    1996+
                     9    Royal Society of Chemistry              UK                  29   Ten yrs.
                    10    H. W. Wilson                            USA              3,075   1982+
                          Total                                                   6,318

                                          Table 19: Full-text Electronic Resources

     Electronic Books

           Electronic books are either subscribed on annual subscription basis as in case of ebrary or are purchased
           on one-time payment and perpetual access basis as in case of all remaining publishers listed below. Total

           number  of  electronic  books  accessible  to  colleges  under  N-LIST  programme  exceeds  1,61,909  as
           revealed below in the Table 20:

                     l S . No   E-book Name                 Available         Purchased        Access
                                                            Books                  Books     Available
                    1       E-brary                         1,25,000+        1,25,000+      1,25,000+
                    2       Cambridge Books Online          13,966               1,800        6,000+
                    3       EBSCO Host-Net Library          4,436                  936          4,436
                    4       Hindustan Book Agency           65                      65             65

                            Institute of South East Asian
                    5       Studies(ISEAS) Books            382                    382            382
                    6       Oxford Scholarship Online       6,577                1,402          1,402

                                                           - 53 -
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67