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7      Springer eBooks                       50,208         2,300       18,000+
                     8      Taylor & Francis eBooks             40,000+          1,800        4,500+
                     9      Myilibrary-McGraw Hill              2,50,000          1,124         1,124
                    10      Sage Publication eBooks                2,700         1,000          1,000

                    11      Open Access (Net Library)                            3,500
                            Total                              4,93,334       1,39,309      1,61,909
                                                  Table 20: Electronic Book

     E-Resources Available through National Subscription

           Access to South Asia Archives (SAA) and World E-Book Library (WEL), subscribed by eShodh Sindhu on
           behalf of National Digital Library (NDL), are made available to member colleges of NLIST Programme

           through  proxy  server  set  up  at  INFLIBNET  Centre. The  World  e-Book  Library  including  3  million
           (30,00,000) primary sources spanning past 1,000 years of world history in more than 320 different
           languages. The South Asia Archive contains more than 4.5 million pages spanning the period of 18  and
           mid-20  century from documents across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Burma,
           Afghanistan and Bangladesh as shown in Table 21.

                                   Sl. No.   Name of Collection            No. of  Titles
                                   1         World eBook Library            30,00,000
                                   2         South Asia Archive      4.5 million pages

                                  Table 21: E-Resources Available through National Subscription

           7.2.4.       Implementation Methodology

           E-resources subscribed under e-Shodh Sindhu are being made accessible to universities and CFTIs on
           their respective IPs. However, since most of the colleges registered under the NLIST Programme do not
           have static IP addresses, access to e-resources based on IP filtering cannot be implemented for colleges.
           Moreover, most of the publishers were reluctant to handle authentication of large number of users from

           thousands of colleges who had to be given freedom to enrol themselves for the N-LIST Programme at
           anytime during the year as well as during the project period.

           As such, the INFLIBNET Centre has implemented EZ-Proxy from OCLC for authenticating registered.
           Individual users from colleges can directly access and download articles from journals and chapters from
           books directly from publisher’s website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through
           the authentication mechanism deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.   Moreover, INFLIBNET Centre has

           also  developed  shibboleth  based Access  Management  Federation  (INFED)  for  providing  seamless
           access to e-resources subscribed through NLIST Programme from anywhere, anytime. The INFED has
           already made agreements with 9 publishers for this service. More publishers will be joining INFED in
           near future.

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