Page 26 - April_June 2017
P. 26
Staff News
Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director Dr. Arora was invited to attend launching of India
Rankings 2017 held on 3rd April, 2017 at MHRD, New
Dr. Jagdish Arora was presented a Citation and
Delhi as well as to the “India Rankings 2017 Award
Memento for his Commendable Contribution to Digital
Ceremony”held on 10th April, 2017 at Rashtrapati
Initiatives for Higher Education, by the Honourable Shri
Bhawan Cultural Centre wherein awards were
Pranab Mukherjee, the then President of India, during
presented to the top-ranked institutions in various
the National Convention on Digital Initiatives,
categories by Honourable Shri Pranabh Mukherjee, the
organized by the Ministry of Human Resource and
then President of India. As a Member of the Standing
Development, Govt. of India on 9thJuly 2017 at Vigyan
Committee on Notification on Journals, University
Bhawan, New Delhi. He was awarded NDLTD
Grants Commission, New Delhi, he attended its 3rd
Leadership Award for the year 2017 for Shodhganga
Meeting held on 28thApril, 2017. As member of the
Scheme of the INFLIBNET Centre during
Sub-Committee on e-Content Development, Dr. Arora
20thInternational Symposium on Electronic Theses and
attended its 30th and 31stMeetings held on 19thApril,
Dissertations held in Washington, D.C., USA from
2017 and 6thJune, 2017 respectively. As a member of
August 7 to 9, 2017.He was recipient of Librarian's
the Implementation Core Committee of NIRF appointed
Choice Award for Life Time Achievement for the year
by the MHRD, he attended its first Meeting held on
2017 (instituted by the Royal Society of Chemistry) in
12thJune, 2017 at Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. As a
recognition of Individual Contribution towards Library
member of the Programme Review and Steering Group
and Library Science Community of India.
(PRSG) of the National Digital Library, a project funded
Dr. Arora was the Chief Guest for 33rd Annual by the NME-ICT (MHRD) and executed by the IIT
Convention of the Society for Information Science (SIS) Kharagpur, he attended its 3rd Meeting held on
and Conference on Open Access held on April 7-8, 28thJune, 2017.
2017 at IICB, Kolkata. He delivered keynote address on
Mr. Manoj Kumar K., Scientist D (CS)
“Open Access Initiatives at the INFLIBNET Centre”,
during the ”National Workshop on Strengthening Open Mr. Manoj Kumar was invited to deliver a lecture on
Access (OA) Initiative in India” held on 23rd June 2017 Shodhganga & URKUND: a Plagiarism Detection
at NBRC, Manesar, Gurgaon. Dr. Arora was invited to Software during U.G.C sponsored Refresher Courses &
make a presentation on INFLIBNET Centre's Activities Orientation Programmes for the Professional
and Services to the Secretary (HE), MHRD on 22ndMay, Development of University and College Teachers at
2017. He was invited to attend the meeting of NPTEL- Human Resource Development, Gujarat University on
DTH Channel Coordinators Workshop held on 1stJune, 2nd June 2017. He was invited to deliver lecture on
2017 at IIT Gandhinagar. He attended the Meetings Shodhganga & Shodhgangotri and signing a
convened by NAAC for revision of its accreditation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Shodhganga
framework on 18th April at UGC Main Office, New at Parul University, Ahmedabad on 24th May 2017.
Delhi and on 23rdMay, 2017 at NAAC, Bangalore.
22 Vol. 24, No. 2 (April to June, 2017)