Page 28 - April_June 2017
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Social Science Faculty Member at Department of           Sciences  at  HNB  Garhwal  University,  Srinagar
              Management,  Mizoram  University  from  22nd             from 18th to 27th May, 2017;

              May to 3rd June, 2017.
                                                                 iv)   Ten-Day Workshop on Research Methodology in
        He  also  invited  as  resource  person  during  Research      Quantitative Research for Ph.D. Scholars in Social
        Orientation  Programme  organized  by  Academic                Sciences  at  Department  of  Social  Work,
        Development & Research Cell, Nirma University from             University of Delhi, Delhi from 29th May to 7th
        5th  to  10th  June,  2017  at  Institute  of  Management,     June, 2017; and
        Nirma University, Ahmedabad on 6th June, 2017.
                                                                 v)    Ten-Day Research Methodology Programme for

        Mr. Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B (CS)                           PhD Student in Social Sciences at OKD Institute of
                                                                       Social Change and Development, Guwahati from
        Mr.  Hitesh  Solanki  was  invited  to  attend  the  'India
                                                                       12th to 21st May, 2017
        Rankings 2017' Award Ceremony wherein awards were
        presented  to  the  Top  Ranked  Institutions  in  various   Mr. Pallab Pradhan, Scientist B (LS)
        categories by Sh. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble President
                                                                 Mr. Pallab attended Workshop on Text Analytics held at
        of  India  at  Rashtrapati  Bhavan  Cultural  Centre,  New
                                                                 C-DAC, Navi Mumbai during 10th to 18th May, 2017.
        Delhi on 10th April, 2017.  He also invited to attend the
                                                                 He also attended meeting for UGC Approved List of
        meeting of Core Working Group (CWG) for NAAC's
                                                                 Journals  and  related  work  at  University  Grants
        revision  of  accreditation  framework  at  National
                                                                 Commission (UGC), New Delhi on 2nd May, 2017. He
        Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore on
                                                                 was invited to deliver lectures on ICSSR Data Service
        28th April 2017 and 8th to 9th June, 2017. He attended
                                                                 during  the  following  ICSSR  sponsored  training
        Meeting of National Institutional Ranking Framework at
                                                                 programmes and Workshop:
        INFLIBNET  Centre,  Gandhinagar  and  Ministry  of
        Human Resource Development, New Delhi on 19th            i)    Capacity Building Programme on Enhancement
        June, 2017 and 29th June, 2017 respectively.                   of  Capacities  of  Researchers  in  Social  Science
                                                                       Research Areas: An Attempt for Transformation in
        He was also invited to deliver lectures on ICSSR Data
                                                                       Research Attitudes and Aptitudes at North Eastern
        Service during the following ICSSR sponsored training
                                                                       Hill University, Tura from 5th to 18th May, 2017;
        programmes and Workshop:

                                                                 ii)   Capacity  Building  Programme  on  Research
        I)    Capacity  Building  Programme  on  Academic
                                                                       Methodology for Social Science Faculty Members
              Writing Workshop for Faculty Members in Social
                                                                       at Central University of Jammu, Jammu from 8th
              Sciences  at  Centre  for  Asian  Studies,  Savitribai
                                                                       to 28th May, 2017  ;
              Phule  Pune  University,  Pune  from  3rd  to  13th
              May, 2017;                                         iii)   Ten-Day Workshop on Research Methodology for

                                                                       Ph.D.  Students  in  Social  Sciences  at  Sikkim
        ii)   Capacity  Building  Programme  Developing
                                                                       University, Gangtok from 23rd May to 2nd June,
              Countries Research Centre (DCRC) at University
              of Delhi, Delhi from 16th to 29th May, 2017;
                                                                 iv)   Research  Methodology  Course  for  Ph.  D.
        iii)   Ten-Day  workshop  on  Research  Methodology
                                                                       Students  in  Social  Sciences  at  Nabakrushna
              and  SPSS  usage  in  Data  Analysis  in  Social
                                                                       Choudhury  Centre  for  Development  Studies

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