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5.      Concrete Examples from Practice                  of federated access with world-wide deployment is in
        INFLIBNET  Centre  is  always  keen  to  implement  any
        new  technology  and  makes  it  available  to  all      References
        universities and member institutions in India. INFED is
                                                                 i)    Sir Tim Berners-Lee, “History of the Web – World
        one  of  such  examples  of  Identity  federated  Access
                                                                       Wide  Web  Foundation.”  [Online].  Available:
        Shibboleth  is  developed  based  on  Security  Assertion      of-the-web/. [Accessed: 23-Aug-2017].
        Mark-up Language. It is very secure and especially used
                                                                 ii)   K. G. A. P. Punchihewa, C.N.D, Kumara, A.D.B, 2
        for exchanging user attributes in a secure manner. Any
        “SAML-compliant” handling of network user identities           and Kiriella, “Beyond the Boundaries/ : Remote
        seemed and still seem rather hard to grasp. The main           Access to Online Resources at the University of
        benefit  with  the  introduction  of  Shibboleth  and  the     Moratuwa Library,” J. Univ. Libr. Assoc. Sri Lanka,
        INFLIBNET Access Management Federation (INFED) for             vol. 17, no. 2, 2013.
        institutions is a move towards a single password system
                                                                 iii)   Benefits of SSO. University of Guelph.
        (the  local  institutional  login  working  on  Shibboleth
        systems).                                                iv)   E. Malville, J.-M. Crom, and G. Gourmelen, “A
                                                                       survey  on  identity  federation  solutions,”  Ann.
        Most of the academic libraries are maintaining their own
                                                                       Telecommun.  -  Ann.  Des  Télécommunications,
        username  and  password  mechanism  and  it  is  very
                                                                       vol. 61, no. 3–4, pp. 379–398, 2006.
        inefficient to exchange their attributes. Whereas, single

        sign-on via LDAP, Active Directory or any other standard   v)   S. Suoranta, K. Manzoor, A. Tontti, J. Ruuskanen,
        based protocol is a trustworthy system for universities        and T. Aura, “Logout in single sign-on systems:
        and publisher to adopt, INFED is giving almost all type of     Problems and solutions,” J. Inf. Secur. Appl., vol.
        assistance to Universities/Institutions.                       19, no. 1, pp. 61–77, 2014.

        At present, INFED is extending all help to the institutions   vi)   “eduGAIN  website  -  GÉANT.”  [Online].
        to setting up their IdP, installation and configuration of     A v a i l a b l e :   h t t p s : / / w w w . g e a n t . o r g /
        LDAP and other tools.                                          Services/Trust_identity_and_security/eduGAIN.
                                                                       [Accessed: 23-Aug-2017].
                                                                 vii)  “Benefits  of  eduGAIN  -  GÉANT.”  [Online].
        Indian higher education system encompasses more than
        50000 institutions in India. INFED can play amajor role
        in  increasing  research  output  for  our  country  by
                                                                       efits-of-eduGAIN.aspx. [Accessed: 23-Aug-2017].
        providing  access  to  scholarly  e-resources  to  potential
        researchers  at  anytime,  anywhere.  Majority  of  the
        research institutions are not offering off-campus access
        to  their  subscribed  resources  because  of  multiple
        hindrances like lack of funding and as well as limited
        technical expertise. By joining INFED, Institutions may
        get  most  of  the  e-resources  beyond  the  boundary  of

        institutions anywhere, anytime. The concept and design

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