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Step 2. Records received in different formats are converted into Common Communication Format
(CCF) (by Tag Mapping using CDS/ISIS Software).
Step 3. All records go under the process of authentication, using Union Catalogue Management System
(UCMS) software for editing typographical errors in various fields such as place, publisher, edition, year
of publication, etc. in addition to duplicate checking and merging of these records into Indian Catalogue
Figure 3 depicts process involved in building of IndCat.
Fig. 3: Process Involved in Building IndCat
Web interface for Book Database of IndCat facilitates it users to conduct searches on title, words in title,
author, subject, ISBN, location, place and publisher. The IndCat interface facilitates restricting the
search to collections available within an individual university as well as for expanding the search to
universities in a given state. By default, the interface searches all bibliographic records of documents
available in IndCat for all the participating universities. The search results retrieved from the IndCat can
be displayed in the following two formats:
: Brief: By default, retrieved records are displayed in brief. A brief bibliographic record
contains title, authors, place, publisher and year of publication.
: Descriptive: A detailed descriptive record contains complete bibliographic details of a book
including its location. It is a second-level display that appears when a user clicks at the brief
record. The descriptive record also provides option for ILL request. Figure 4 depicts
bibliographic details of searched records.
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