Page 24 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 24

1 2                                      12 (B) / 2 (f) State Universities

                                     4       5
                                 6                                            Central Universities

                                                                              Deemed Universities (Receiving
                                                                              Plan Grants from UGC)
                                                                              Centrally Funded Technological

                                                                              2 (f) State Universities

                         23                                  110              Deemed Universities

                                                                              Open University

                                                                              Private Universities

                                       Fig. 6: Category-wise Participating University
           2.1.5.   Online Copy-Catalogue System (OCS)

           The Centre has developed application software called “Online Copy-Catalogue System” (OCS) to
           promote co-operative cataloguing and avoid duplication of efforts. The interface called “Online Copy
           Catalogue System (OCS)” is a window-based application that facilitates libraries to interact with the
           Union Catalogue of Books (IndCat) and catalogue their new acquisitions online. The OCS, on one hand,
           facilitates libraries to search and browse bibliographic records of documents available in IndCat and
           download selected records directly into SOUL 2.0 or any MARC21 compliant software. The holding

           information for the bibliographic record being downloaded from the IndCat gets updated automatically
           in the process. On the other hand, the interface facilitates creation of a new record for a document that is
           not available in the IndCat. This new record gets saved into local integrated LMS as well as into the
           IndCat simultaneously. Besides, online cataloguing and copy cataloguing, the interface also facilitates

           bulk uploading and downloading of bibliographic records of books.  More details on OCS are available

           2.1.6.    Major Works during Financial Year 2016-2017

                 :  Bibliographic records for 11 universities were checked, authenticated, converted and merged
                    with IndCat;

                 :  6 universities have contributed their updated bibliographic records;

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