Page 23 - Annual Report 2016_17
P. 23

Year  Received Records         Unique Records
                                            (in lakhs)                    (in lakhs)
                                     1999                    6.5                 2.7

                                     2003                    12                  5.8
                                     2007                    82                 30.3
                                     2011                   119                 61.8
                                     2013                   127                   73
                                     2014                   128                  74

                                     2015                   131                 75.7
                                     2016                   139               80.68
                                     2017                   139                  83

                         Table 4: Growth in No. of Bibliographic Records in IndCat from 1999 to 2017

                 150                                       127      128      131      139       139

                 100                      82                   73       74      75.7     80.68     83
                  50                        30.3
                       6.5  2.7   12   5.8
                        1999     2003     2007     2011     2013      2014     2015     2016     2017
                                       Received Records  (in lakhs)  Unique Records (in lakhs)

                                          Fig. 5: Growth of Union Catalogue of Books

           The  union  catalogue of  books  has  bibliographic  records  of  documents  available in  libraries  of  178
           contributing universities. Category-wise participated universities is given in Table 5 and depicted in
           Figure 6.

                                   Categories wise University List-             No. of Univ.
                                   12 (B) / 2 (f) State Universities                   110
                                   Central Universities                                  23

                                   Deemed Universities (Receiving Plan Grants
                                   from UGC)                                            20
                                   Centrally Funded Technological Institute               7
                                   2 (f) State Universities                               6
                                   Deemed Universities                                    4
                                   Open University                                        1
                                   Private Universities                                   2

                                   Others                                                 5
                                   Total Participated Universities                     178

                                      Table 5: Category-wise Participating Universities

                                                           - 14 -
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28