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Fig. 4: Bibliographic Details of a Searched Record
2.1.2. Functions and Features of IndCat
I) Restrict Search within a University / State
Searches in Union Catalogue, by default, is conducted on the entire database containing records of
documents from all universities. Users can restrict their searches to the records of documents available
within their own university on different search parameters like Title, Subjects, Authors, Place, Publisher,
State wise Search: User can search the book database within a State by Title, Authors, ISBNs etc.
Advanced Search: Advanced search facilitates use of boolean operators i.e. AND, OR, NOT with
different search parameters i.e. Title, Authors, Corporate Body, Place & Publisher, Year, Subjects, Notes,
ISBN, etc.
ii) Copy Cataloguing
The copy cataloguing feature of the IndCat facilitates downloading of bibliographic records in MARC21,
CCF or ASCII format. The downloaded bibliographic records can be imported to any library
management software compliant to MARC21 bibliographic format including SOUL 2.0. Effectively,
librarians / cataloguers can copy catalogue bibliographic records of books instead of creating a new
record which is a time-consuming and cost-intensive process.
iii) Union Catalogue of Books: Subsets
The union catalogue of books has two subsets namely GujCat and NERCat that are separately designed
on demand of the concerned regions:
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