Page 27 - Annual Report 2016_17
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2001              172     1,35,000
                                           2002              189     1,42,000

                                           2003              198     1,48,000
                                           2004              209     1,52,000
                                           2005              211      1,71,176
                                           2006              213     1,75,206
                                           2007              213     1,75,206

                                           2008              237     2,20,206
                                           2009              237     2,20,206
                                           2010              237      2,37,393
                                           2011              245     2,38,475
                                           2012              270     2,44,927
                                           2013              286     2,52,885
                                           2014              298     2,64,628

                                           2015              301     2,65,727
                                           2016              315     2,69,195
                                           2017              315      2,71,581

                           Table 6: Growth in Number of Records in Theses Database: 1995 – 2017

                                        Fig. 8: Year-wise Growth of Theses Database

           Theses database can be searched through IndCat interface by title, researcher, research supervisor,
           university, department, year of submission, keywords, etc. Bibliographic records of theses are linked to
           full-text  records  in  “Shodhganga”,  if  available.  Names  of  universities  and  the  number  of  records

           contributed by them to the union catalogue of theses are available at

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