Page 18 - April_June 2017
P. 18


                           Access to E-Resources for Indian Higher Education System and the Role of INFED
                                            (INFLIBNET Access Management Federation)
                                      Yatrik Patel, Scientist – D (CS) & Raja V, Scientist – B (CS)

          Indian Universities and institutions of higher education have witnessed a boost in e-resources accessible to their

          users  through  various  consortium  initiatives.  However,  at  present,  mostly  the  access  is  restricted  to  only
          university/institute campuses within specific IP ranges. There is a need to widen the access of e-resources.  Ideally
          the access to e-resources should be available to users from anywhere i.e. on-campus, off-campus, from home, while
          travelling and at any given point of time. The purpose of this article to give an overview of the role of INFED
          (INFLIBNET Access Management Federation) to expand the reach of e-resources and make some suggestions about
          how effective it is from perspective of practice with a view to justifying its role. This paper attempts to describe the
          scope of INFED and benefits of inter federation services, beyond the features off-campus access.

          Keywords: University Libraries, Access Management Federations, INFED, Identity Provider (IdP), Service Provider
         (SP), Higher Education, Off-campus access, Inter-Federations

        1.  Introduction                                         Now SAML2.0 (Security AssertionMark-up Language)
                                                                 isan XML standard for exchanging authentication and
        Tim Berners-Lee, the computer scientist whoinvented
                                                                 authorization  data  between  security  domains.
        the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, realised that
                                                                 “Authentication”  is  a  kind  of  confirmation  from  the
        true information can be accessed by anyone, anywhere
                                                                 identity that he/she is the legitimated or registered user
        can use it without paying a fee or seeking permission .
                                                                 with our organization. Where as “authorization” is a
        But the real scenario is different. The most of publisher
                                                                 rights or privileges to the certain resource groups. This
        who  owns  the  copyright  of  the  material  refuse  to
                                                                 SAML 2.0 has been agreed by most of the publishers
        provide access to their material free of cost to anyone.
                                                                 (Service  Providers)  to  exchange  user  attributes  and
        Institutes are already spending huge amount of money
                                                                 allow them access to the restricted content anytime and
        on subscribing to e-resources for their users. But most of
                                                                 any where. In this context, INFED is a formal federation
        the institutions are  not paying much attention to ensure
                                                                 that  act  as  a  trust  entity  between  Institutes  and
        consistent  and  reliable  access  of  those  resources  an
        anywhere and anytime basis to their users.   There are

        number of mechanism that exists to provide off-campus    2.  About INFED
        access  to  e-resources  such  as  Proxy  Server,  Virtual
                                                                 INFLIBNET  Access  Management  Federation  (INFED),
        Private Network (VPN), etc. however implementing this
                                                                 the first and only Federation in India, that has adopted
        mechanism will be the extra burden to the institution,
                                                                 Shibboleth (a SAML based) open source software, for
        on  the  other  hand  the  e-resource  service  provider  is
                                                                 authenticating  authorized  users  from  colleges  and
        demanding the user to access their paid resources only
                                                                 universities  and  provide  them  seamless  access  to  e-
        when they are in campus, due to lack of trusted secure
                                                                 resources  from  anywhere,  anytime.  The  INFLIBNET
        attribute exchange from the institution about users and
                                                                 Centre, as one of its core mandates, provides access to
        their roles

                                                             14                        Vol. 24, No. 2 (April to June, 2017)
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