Page 19 - April_June 2017
P. 19

scholarly e-resource to universities and colleges in India   2.1   Identity Provider
        under  e-Shodh  Sindhu  initiative  of  the  Ministry  of
                                                                 Identity  Provider  software  is  run  by  the  institutions
        Human Resource Development (MHRD). The INFED
                                                                 having database of users entitled to access subscription
        has been set-up as a centralized entity to coordinate
                                                                 based e-resources or services. Shibboleth leverages the
        with  member  institutions  in  the  process  of
                                                                 organization's identity and access management system,
        implementation  of  user  authentication  and  access
                                                                 so that the individual's relationship with the institution
        control  mechanism  distributed  across  participating
                                                                 can be used to determine access rights to subscription
        institutions using standardized rules and metadata for
                                                                 based e-resources or services. In other words, different
        exchange of attributes.
                                                                 categories of users in an institution may have access to

        Shibboleth  access  management  model  is  essentially   different sets of resources based on attributes assigned
        designed to run in a federated mode wherein individual   to  them.  In  case  of  Shibboleth  implementation  at
        participating institutions are required to run their own   INFED,  participating  universities  and  colleges  would
        Identity Provider Services for users in their respective   register  themselves  for  creation  of  an  identity
        institutions.  Alternatively,  members  can  use  identity   management  system  using  college  administrative
        provider  services  offered  by  the  INFLIBNET  Centre   interface. A trusted officer (Administrative or Technical
        through  INFED.  A  formal  federation  is  required  as   Contact)  nominated  by  the  college/university

        trusted  interface  between  the  institutions  as  Identity   authorities, is made responsible for maintaining identity
        provider (IdP) and publishers as Service Providers (SP) to   management system for a given college on the INFED
        ensure use of uniform standards and protocols while      Server.
        transmitting attributes of authorized users to publishers.
                                                                 2.2    Service Provider
        INFLIBNET Centre is operating the Federation for Indian   Service Provider software is run by the publisher of a
        Higher Education Institutions. The INFED website   give   subscription-based e-resource or service. The Service

        a broad outline of goals and purpose. At the outset, In   Provider receives a set of pre-defined attributes from the
        the broader context, INFED offers the off-campus access   Identity Provider and provides access to subscribed e-
        facility to librarians. The scope of INFED is depicted in   resources or services to the user depending upon the
        figure given below.                                      attributes received.

                                                                 2.3    Federation Metadata

                                                                 It  provides  the  basis  for  trust  between  Institute  and
                                                                 Publishers.  Normally,  owners  of  the  federation  keep
                                                                 track of the metadata of the Institutes and Publishers.
                                                                 When an Institution or Publisher receives a request from
                                                                 another provider, it needs to be able to verify that the
                                                                 remote provider is who it claims to be . When institute

                                                                 claims  to  access  the  content  from  the  publisher,  the
                                                                 service  provider  could  identify  the  details  of  their
                                                                 institute by using their supplied metadata. If it has been
                                                                 positively  identified,  Institute  and  Publisher  can
                          Scope of INFED

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