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communicate. If there is no match, or the credentials        Section  of  the  UGC  Act,  1956  and  all  Inter-
        presented are wrong, no attributes will be sent.             University  Centre  (IUCs)  of  the  UGC  that  are

                                                                     eligible to get access to e-resources through the e-
        It  should  be  signed  by  the  federation  operator  and
                                                                     Shodh  Sindhu  Consortium  are  eligible  to
        hosted  using  https://,  and  should  be  accessible  to
                                                                     participate of the INFED.
        anyone by all providers in the federation.
                                                                 ii.  Colleges:  All Govt. / Govt.-aided colleges covered
        2.4     Discovery  Services  (WAYF-Where  Are  You
                                                                     under 12(B) and 2(f) Section of the UGC Act, 1956
                                                                     that are eligible to get access to e-resources through

        As a user who is willing to use the federated services       the National Library and Information Infrastructure
        he/she has to locate his home organisation. It's quite       for  Scholarly  Content  (N-LIST)  are  eligible  to
        difficult to locate from the large number of list. In order   participate in INFED.
        to overcome this issue Discovery Services (DS) can be
                                                                 iii.  Private  Universities  /  Colleges  and  Other
        setup based upon the federation metadata. The essential
                                                                     Institutions:  The  Federation  may  allow  private
        goal is to redirect the user to their SSO endpoint by
                                                                     universities,  private  colleges  and  other
        selecting  their  home  organization.  This  Discovery
                                                                     organizations  to  participate  after  obtaining
        Services can setup by the publishers orby the country
                                                                     approval from competent authority.
        federation itself  .
                                                                 iv.  Publishers:  All  publishers  providing  access  to  e-
        2.5     Rules
                                                                     resources under the e-Shodh Sindhu Consortium or
        The framework is created by each Member agreeing to          NLIST  Programme  are  can  be  member  of  the

        be bound by these Rules which set out an agreed set of       INFED.
        rules for exchanging information about End Users and
                                                                 2.7    How INFED Works?
        resources so as to enable access and use of resources
        and  services.  Responsibility  for  the  provision  of  the   INFED creates a trust relationship, facilitating federated,
        Federation  is  shared  amongstthe  INFLIBNET  Centre,   single sign-on access and offers improved data security
        member  universities  and  colleges.  The  Access        and  convenience  for  end-users.  As  such,  Shibboleth
        Management Committee is ultimately responsible for       implementation at INFED @INFLIBNET Centre would
        maintaining effective governance of the Federation. It   work as follows:
        discharges this responsibility by defining the policies

        governing  membership  of  the  federation  and  for  the
        responsibilities that federation membership entails.

        2.6     Eligibility to become a member of INFED

        The INFED currently has the following four classes of

        participants who are eligible to join the federation. All
        institutions have to apply for the membership of INFED
        on prescribed application form:

        I.  Universities  &  CFTIs:  All  Govt.  /  Govt.-aided
            universities covered under Section 12(B) and 2 (F)                   How INFED Works

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