Page 3 - April_June 2017
P. 3

From Director's Desk

        It is a matter of pride and privilege that none other than the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)

        recognized the contributions made by the INFLIBNET Centre towards Digital India. Shri Pranab Mukherjee, the
        then President of India, presented Citations and Mementos Director & Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS) for
        their commendable contributions to digital initiative for higher education during the National Convention on
        Digital Initiative organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India on 9  July, 2017
        at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. In addition, NDLTD Leadership Award for the year 2017 for Shodhganga Scheme
        of the INFLIBNET Centre was presented to Director and Mr. Manoj Kumar, Scientist D (CS) during the 20
        International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations held in Washington DC, USA from 7  August to
        9  August, 2017. Both Director and Mr. Manoj Kumar attended the conference and received the NDLTD
        Leadership Award from Dr. Edward Fox, the Founder of Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

        (NDLTD), a world-wide ETD initiative. In addition, Director also received the Librarian's Choice Award for Life-
        time Achievement for the year 2017, instituted by Royal Society of Chemistry, in recognition of individual
        contribution towards Library and Information Science community of India. We are indeed very thankful to
        MHRD, Government of India and to NDLTD Award Committee for recognizing our contributions to the higher

        education community in the country. These are some of the major recognition that the Centre received from
        national and international authorities, which, do not belong to this quarter, however, I find it too tempting to wait
        for the next issue of newsletter which is due only in October, 2017. The central spread of the newsletter carry
        corresponding photographs from the three events.

        During the period under report, the National Accreditation and Assessment Centre (NAAC) sought assistance and
        help of the Centre in the process of developing their new accreditation and assessment framework. Director of the
        Centre, Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Mr. Hitesh Solanki and Mr. Dharmesh Shah attended a series of meetings organized
        by NAAC to assist the process of evolving the new framework and its automation. The assistance and help of the
        Centre was also sought by the MHRD and AICTE for projects entitled Smart India Hackathon 2017 Portal, Eak

        Bharat Shresth Bharat, AICTE Start-up, etc.The Centre continued to provide its help, assistance and services to the
        UGC for developing UGC Portal for Central Universities in India for automation of administrative and financial

                                                              1                        Vol. 24, No. 2 (April to June, 2017)
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