Page 6 - April_June 2017
P. 6

Specialized Training Programmes / National

        Workshops / National Conferences

        Two-day National Workshop on Ethical Issues and Use of Anti-Plagiarism for
        Research Integrity, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 6  -7  April, 2017

                          Participants of National Workshop on Ethical Issues and Use of Anti-Plagiarism for Research Integrity
                                                  at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar
          Two-day National Workshop on Ethical Issues and Use     Centre.  In  her  Inaugural  address,  she  spoke  about
          of Anti-Plagiarism for Research Integrity was organized   planning  and  methodologies  of  research  with  use  of
          at  INFLIBNET  Centre,  Gandhinagar  from  6th  to  7th   anti-plagiarism  tools.  Ms.  Suboohi  S.,  STO  (LS)
          April,  2017.  Mr.  Manoj  Kumar  K,  Scientist  D  (CS)   extended  a  warm  vote  of  thanks  at  the  end  of  the

          coordinated  the  Workshop.  He  welcomed  the          inaugural  session.  13  participants  including  LIS
          participants and gave an overview of the programme.     professionals  from  North-East  region  and  research
          Dr. Savita R. Gandhi, Head, Rollwala Computer Centre,   scholars attended the programme. Details of lectures
          Gujarat  University  inaugurated  the  Workshop  in     delivered by experts during the training programme are
          presence  of  Dr.  Jagdish  Arora,  Director,  INFLIBNET   as follows:

          Topics                                                 Name of the Experts
          Research Methodology and Planning of Research          Dr. Savita R. Gandhi, HOD, Rollwala Computer
                                                                 Centre, Gujarat University
          Qualitative Academic Writing and Publications          Dr. Jagdish Joshi, UGC-Human Resource
                                                                 Development Centre, Gujarat University
          Ethics in Research & Use of Anti-Plagiarism            Mr. Manoj Kumar K., Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET
          Tools for Quality of Research                          Centre
          Academic Identity an Overview: ORCID                   Mr. Kannan P, Scientist C (LS), INFLIBNET Centre
          Statistical Methods for Research Data Analysis         Mr. Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET
          using SPSS                                             Centre
          Use of Reference Management Tools and                  Dr. Miteshkumar  Pandya, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET
          Writing Research Report                                Centre
          Assessing and Evaluating Research Performance          Ms. Kruti Trivedi, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre

                                                              4                        Vol. 24, No. 2 (April to June, 2017)
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