Page 7 - April_June 2017
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Three-day Workshop-cum-Training Programme on Bibliometrics Research and

        Output Analysis, Mizoram University, Aizwal, 11th -13th April, 2017

        Three-day National Workshop-cum-Training Programme       ranking of universities based on research productivity as
        on  Bibliometrics  and  Research  Output  Analysis       well as role of research division's of universities in this
        organized  by  Department  of  Library  and  Information   regard.  She  also  suggested  to  utilize  various  software
        Science,  Mizoram  University  in  collaboration  with   tools  and  databases  for  research  purposes  and
        INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat at Conference     emphasized  on  bibliometric  studies  to  highlight  the

        Hall,  Mizoram  University,  Aizwal  from  11th  to  13th   research productivity of universities and institutions. Dr.
        April, 2017. Prof. R. N. Mishra, Head, DLIS welcomed     Singh, in his address, discussed briefly, historical account
        the dignitaries, resource persons, participants, Deans and   of  bibliometrics  and  its  importance  in  researches.  He
        Heads of various departments, faculty members and other   specially pointed out the efforts of Dr. Eugene Garfield for
        invitees.  Prof.  N.  V.  R  Jyoti  Kumar,  Dean,  School  of   making Science Citation Index to Web of Science. He
        Economics,  Management  and  Information  Science,       focused upon scientometric researches conducted at the
        Mizoram  University  inaugurated  the  Workshop  with    world  level  and  highlighted  the  fact  that  Indian
        lighting  of  lamp  in  front  of  the  portrait  of  Dr.  S.  R.   contributions  in  bibliometrics  do  not  attract  enough
        Ranganathan along with Dr. Udai Narayan Singh, Former    citations.  He  also  stressed  upon  the  significance  of
        University Librarian, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur;   bibliometric  research  in  terms  of  science  policy
        Dr.  Manorama  Tripathi,  Deputy  Librarian,  Jawaharlal   development.

        Nehru University, New Delhi; Prof. R. N. Mishra, HOD
                                                                 Prof. Pravakar Rath in his address, emphasized on the
        and  Prof.  Pravakar  Rath,  DLIS,  Mizoram  University,
                                                                 research conditions in present scenario and linked it with
        Aizwal. Prof. Mishra, in his welcome address, pointed out
                                                                 the current publication pattern and performance based
        the  importance  of  bibliometric  and  scientometric
                                                                 appraisal system. He stressed upon the NIRF ranking for
        research  and  introduced  bibliometrics,  scientometrics,
                                                                 universities research output based on Web of Science,
        bibliometrics  laws,  bibliometric  tools  and  techniques.
                                                                 Scopus and ICI databases. He also pointed the futuristic
        Prof. Jyoti Kumar, in his inaugural address, pointed out
                                                                 approach  towards  research  productivity  of  universities
        the  importance  of  bibliometrics  and  expressed  his
                                                                 and institutions for getting more financial grants from the
        personal interest in bibliometric research. He entrusted
                                                                 government agencies. Dr. Manoj Kumar Verma, Assistant
        the  researchers  having  M.  Phil.  and  Ph.  D.  degree  to
                                                                 Professor, DLIS, Mizoram University and Coordinator of
        maintain the purpose of research and stressed upon the
                                                                 the Workshop, extended a warm vote of thanks at the end
        framing of research guidelines based on ground reality.
                                                                 of the inaugural session. Details of lectures delivered by
        Dr. Tripathi, in her address, stressed upon the national   experts during the training programme are as follows:
        ranking  frameworks  adopted  by  the  government  for

         Topics                                                 Name of the Experts
         INFLIBNET ‘s Activities and Services                   Ms. Kruti Trivedi, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         Bibliometrics: An Overview                             Dr. Udai Narayan Singh, Former University Librarian,
                                                                Guru Ghasidas University
         Bibliometric Laws and its Applications                 Dr. Manorama Tripathi, Deputy Librarian, Jawaharlal
                                                                Nehru University
         Research Impact Metrics: Calculation and Context       Ms. Kruti Trivedi, Scientist B (LS), INFLIBNET Centre

                                                              5                        Vol. 24, No. 2 (April to June, 2017)
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