

The Centre is governed by its Governing Board and the Council. The Finance Committee, a subcommittee of the Governing Board, looks after the financial aspects of the Centre.

Minutes of meetings of these committees: Click here to view

The Council

The Council is an apex body of the Centre chaired by its President, ex-officio Chairman of the UGC. The Council has seven ex-officio members and three nominated members. The members of the Governing Board are also members of the Council, as such, total number of members of the Council is 21. The nominated members of the Council serve for a term of 3 years. The Director, INFLIBNET is the Member-Secretary of the Council. The Council meets once in a year. The present members of the Council are listed below:

President Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar, Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi
Vice-Chairperson, UGC Prof. Deepak Kumar Srivastava
Chairperson, AICTE Prof. T. G. Sitharam
Director General, CSIR Dr. N. Kalaiselvi
Chairperson, ICSSR Prof. Deepak Kumar Srivastava (Officiating)
Director General, National Library Prof. (Dr.) Ajay P Singh, Director General, National Library, Kolkata
Director, INFLIBNET Centre Prof. Devika P. Madalli , Member Secretary
One Vice-Chancellor of a University Dr. Rakesh Singhai, Vice Chancellor, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Nalanda Campus, R. N. T. Marg, Indore-452001, Madhya Pradesh
One eminent Library Scientist Prof. Ramesh C. Gaur, Dean, Director(Library & Information) & Head - Kalanidhi Division, IGNCA, New Delhi
One expert in Information Technology Prof. Rajat Moona, Director, IIT, Gandhinagar

All Members of Governing Board are also member of the Council.

The Governing Board

Governing Board (GB) manages, administers, directs and controls the affairs of the Centre as per Rules and Bye-laws of the Centre. The Governing Board is headed by a Chairperson, who is an eminent academician in the areas of relevance to the Centre and is appointed by the President of the Council. The Governing Board has six ex-officio members and seven nominated members who are nominated by the Chairman, UGC. The Director, INFLIBNET is the Member-Secretary of the Board. The Governing Board meets at least twice a year.The current members of the Governing Board are listed below:

Chairman, Governing Board Prof. Bharat Bhasker, Director, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Vice-Chairperson, UGC Prof. Deepak Kumar Srivastava
Secretary, UGC Prof. Manish Ratnakar Joshi
Vice Chancellor (Local University) Prof. Rama Shankar Dubey, Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar

Nominee of AICTE

Dr. Dinesh Singh, Director (P&AP Bureau)
Director, INFLIBNET Centre Prof. Devika P. Madalli, Member Secretary
Vice-Chancellor of Central University Prof. N. Lokendra Singh, Vice Chancellor, Manipur University, Manipur
Vice-Chancellor of State University Prof. Ravindra D. Kulkarni, Vice Chancellor, University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Vice-Chancellor of Deemed University Prof. G. U. Kulkarni, President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru
One Director of IUC's Prof. Avinash Chandra Pandey, Director, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi
One Eminent Librarian Dr. Vikas Sitaramji Nagrale, Librarian, Dr Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Two Experts in Computer/Communication Shri Rahul Kulkarni, Chief Technologist, Samagra, New Delhi
Prof. Kolin Paul, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi
Representative of MoE (e-ShodhSindhu)

The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee (FC) is a sub-committee of the Governing Board and consists of seven members. It has seven ex-officio members and one nominated member. The Chairman of the Governing Board is also the Chairman of the Finance Committee. The Administrative / Accounts Officer of the Centre is the Non-member Secretary of the Committee. The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the Governing Board on i) Budget proposals of the Centre; ii) Scrutiny of the Audited Accounts and replies to the annual Audited Report; iii) Approval of sanctioned and additional positions; and iv) any other matter on which the Board seeks its recommendations. The Finance Committee meets at least once a year. The minutes of the Committee, after approval by the Governing Board are forwarded to the UGC for examination, approval and release of grants to the Centre. The members of the current Finance Committee are listed The Finance Committee will consist of the following members:

Chairman, Governing Board, INFLIBNET Prof. Bharat Bhasker, Director, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Secretary, UGC Prof. Manish Ratnakar Joshi
Financial Advisor, UGC Sh. Sudeep Singh Jain
One Member of Governing Board nominated by the Chairperson, Governing Board Prof. N. Lokendra Singh, Vice Chancellor, Manipur University
Bureau Head of the Plan Budget section, UGC Dr. Jitendra Kumar Tripathi, Joint Secretary (IUC)
Director, INFLIBNET Centre Prof. Devika P. Madalli
One Senior professional staff of the Centre Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist-E (CS), INFLIBNET Centre
Administrative / Accounts Officer of the Centre Sh. Ramakrushna Vulasala, Non-Member Secretary, Administrative Officer(F & A), INFLIBNET Centre

Building Committee

Prof. Himanshu Pandya, Former Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad Chairman
Prof. R. S. Dubey, Vice-Chancellor, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Member, GB, INFLIBNET Centre
Prof. Devika P. Madalli, Director, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar Ex-Officio Member
Prof. Asutosh Trivedi, Dean, IRD, Delhi Technological University, Delhi Member
Sh. N. K. Ojha, University Engineer, The M S Univerity of Baroda, Vadodara Member
Sh. Manoj Kumar K., Scientist-F(CS), INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar Member
Sh. Harish Chandra, Admn. Officer (P & A), INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar Member

Local Committee

Internal Complaint Committee notification dated on 13.03.2025 Members
Hindi Committee notification dated on 03.09.2024 Members
Grievance Redressal Cell notification dated on 22.06.2023 Members

Former Presidents, The Council | Former Chairpersons, The Governing Board | Former Directors, INFLIBNET Centre